Here’s a selection of items which make you cringe as a BMXer. There’s always going to be room for tat, but luckily in 2013 we’re finally doing away with it all. Imagine the state of bikes now, if any of these stood the test of time, horror show…
Internal Gyro
There’s having function, and then there’s making your bike look like a piece of crap. Thats what the first internal gyro did, and to top it off they didn’t even work very well. So all in, you were literally riding around with a piece of crap dangling from your head tube, like a dogs backend when it’s eaten too much grass.
Headsets rattled loose in skateparks throughout the land, as pulling ones brake turned into a mine field of horror stories. They didn’t stand the test of time, they were intended to be a gimmick to consume, but they turned BMX into a laughing stock for skateboarders, mountain bikers and even rollerbladers. These were dark days.