Battle of Hastings 2017.
The carnage was reborn. We’re still getting over it.
Words and Photos by Mike Drummond
Somehow that seems the only way to introduce this event – as grandiose adjectives, expletives and incoherent shrieks would be the best way to describe it, but a list of these wouldn’t really qualify for an article.
However, if you followed the live stream or have gorged on the fat juicy buffet of online content that oozed out of The Source Park in Hastings, you will be fully aware of the words and noises that I’m getting at.
To say the mood was electric would be a gross understatement and be far from doing the weekend justice. Imagine four hundred terribly inept and out of time drummers hitting wheelie bins with sledgehammers while hollering like apes. There you go.
“Imagine four hundred terribly inept and out of time drummers hitting wheelie bins with sledgehammers while hollering like apes.”
The crowd knew what was up and you could be damn sure they picked up on all the subtleties that come with tech street and gnarly bowl riding that was being sent, getting loud for all the switch, hard, oppo, nozza variations that were going down. These inept drummers were all connoisseurs of BMX.