It’s pretty clear that 99.9% of BMXers dislike scooter kids immensely. They get in the way, there’s too many of them, they have no park etiquette, they get in the way and all they seem to do, is get in the way.
It’s now time to give these kids the benefit of the doubt, here’s five legitimate reasons to LIKE scooters…
Collision LOLz
There’s no denying we’re witnessing some of the funniest crashes in skatepark history thanks to the popularity of scooters. Ok, we run into them frequently and it’s annoying, but usually they’re the ones who come off second best, to all round ROFL’s. I once personally witnessed a chap of around six, hit his first steep roll in. With cheers from his primary school buddies he nervously dropped in on that thing, pulled it, but got speed wobbles so bad he crashed into his own Mother, who then spilt her cup of tea onto the floor, only for another scooter kid to then slip on that, and subsequently graze his scrotum in the fall. I kid you not, it was one of the funniest moments of my life, and for that, I thank scooters.