You know when you’re buying an Odyssey product, you’re buying quality. When you put your bike in a bag and then load it onto a plane, a good quality bike bag is a nice thing to have. From the padding and shape to the zips and straps, you want your precious steed to be safe while being thrown around airports and flying through the sky. Cue the Odyssey Monogram Bike Bag…
Odyssey have got it dialled. Their product design has to be among the best in BMX, they’ve pioneered several technologies and seem to hold more patents in their inventions than many other brands. It’s been said that Odyssey (and their family of GSPORT and Sunday) are at the forefront of BMX product design, and we wouldn’t really argue with that.
The guys at Odyssey have designed the Monogram Bike Bag to be the perfect balance of padding and weight – as they say, it’s not skimpy but it also isn’t overbuilt. Good news – nobody wants to be charged extra for having an overweight bag.