

Scott Ditchburn & DUB Jack Interview [page 2]


Scott and his Subrosa Alameda 20.75″

Who’s your favorite person to film with?
Scott: Jack [Donnelly]. Will [Evans] is dead good but I’m most comfortable with Jack, that’s for sure. If I crash like, he knows I’ve had a bad crash like. He knows when to go home…

What about filming on trips?
Scott: Don’t know… Charlie Jobling, he’s really good to film with. Sound as f*ck, he’s proper chilled out.

And riding?
Scott: [Dan] Lacey, Bas [Keep], Mark Love. It’s not like I don’t like going on trips with people who don’t get stoned but it’s nice to have someone to get stoned with!

So how long are you going to live in Liverpool for then?

Scott: For as long as I can, I want to stay here for as long as I can like. I love Liverpool, it’s the best place for riding. I always think it is anyway because you’ve got Rampworx and the street round here’s amazing. All the riders round here are like… even when we went out the other day for a chill session, everybody was out. They always are. When the weathers alright they’ll be out riding.
Jack: They’re all in Barcelona at the moment but there are so many people here now. Loads of different groups of people.

I keep seeing alot of web videos come out of Liverpool with well known faces, who else is there?

Jack: Well there’s Bombhead [Paul Ryan] and Jason [Phelan], Garth and Jake, and Tom P and Addy. Little Addy. Have you seen him?
Scott: He’s ridiculously good, he is.
Jack – He backwards X-up luc-e down the grindbox at the Dub Jam… They’re all from the Wirral. Some of them are in bands and stuff. Then there’s Bengo and JB from Highton. Have you seen the B-Team videos? Addy’s invented the Predator 2 which is icepick to hop over icepick on a rail…

Scott: Well a Predator is a grind to over grind, Predator 2 is icepick over icepick.
Jack: We’ve been trying to work out what the Predator 3 is going to be!
Scott: I’ve been trying to work on the Predator 3… [Laughter] I’ve been trying to do pegs, switch foot while still in then hop over to grind with no pegs… If that makes sense?

The legendary Liverpool courts rails are set to be bulldozed. What do you have planned before they get knocked down?
Scott: I don’t know, I’ve already done loads of stuff down it but most of it we didn’t film. I hanger toothed it, that was pretty fun.
Jack: We went riding in the morning before the jam, and I was trying to sort out what was going on so Scott just rode them and we didn’t really film anything. When we came back for the jam we only rode the short rails.

What do your old school friends from Flint do?
Scott: Jobs. Normal jobs. They’ve got kids or in jail. Alot of them are in jail. I was on Facebook yesterday and this friend of mine is going to jail, or has just gone to jail. It’s pretty nuts, when we left Flint, I knew whenever we went back, the local kids would have loads of mad stories. Turns out, that lad Josh Roberts, the one we recently had the DUB edit of. He was standing at the park, watching these two lads arguing. One of them has gone for the other, pulled him down on top of Josh’s bike and stabbed him about eight times in front of everybody. He got away with it! The other guy’s now in jail for shooting his mum and his sister with an air rifle, proper tried to kill them like…  It’s so nuts down there mate, seriously.
Jack: It’s backwards down there…
Scott: It’s the older lads you don’t want to know. If you goto Flint after dark, it’s guaranteed, you will get battered. Or jumped, someone will rob you.
Jack: There were three murders in a week recently, it’s not even a big place.
Scott: There was a homeless man who got killed near the trails…

Are you glad to have gotten out then?
Scott: Yeah, definitely. Well, in one way I really love being back there, it’s the best place to be because of all my mates.

Scott on the left, Jack on the right…

Arn’t you going to America this year?
Scott: Yeah I am, I’m hopefully going as long as I can get my visa. I’m waiting to get the money so I can buy my passport. Then as soon as I get my passport I can go, hopefully at the end of the summer.
Who you going with?
Scott: Whoever Seventies send me there with, maybe Niki [Croft]. I’m not sure if I’m going over with Subrosa or Shadow. I might be filming for a video when I’m over there. I’m looking forward to hanging out with Ronnie from Shadow, he seems like the coolest guy ever. He smokes a pipe!
Jack: He’s going out, armed with DUB stuff. Did you ever see Ryan Sher do that curved wallride down the curved stairs? It’s the sickest thing…  There’s riders like that on teams that [you don’t think about], like Brian Foster, he’s so old, and he’s still having it.
Scott: It would good to be like that when you’re older. Still doing everything when you’re forty… I need to start wearing pads…

Watch Scott’s exclusive DUB / Ride UK edit here on Tuesday 21st April!

Links: DUB BMX, Seventies Distribution, Subrosa,


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