We have some good dudes up on the feed this week. Give any of this crew a follow via Instagram to make your world complete.. We’re always floating about in there too, we are here @rideukbmx
Edwin Delarosa
Edwin has always been interested in photography and he happens to take some amazing photographs. Usually all based in and around his native NYC. Plenty of BMX in here, but often awesome and sometimes crazy images of his surroundings. @edwindelarosa

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5 ImagesJosh Bedford
Mutiny’s Josh Bedford is always on hand to give us a glimpse into his life on Instagram. Motorcycles, dogs and BMX a plenty. He also operates a screen printing business so expect to see word related shots in here too. @joshbedford666

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5 ImagesLeo Forte
Issue 175 we had an insight into Leo’s work life. Here it’s all played out in daily pictures. Leo creates some of the most amazing stuff, maybe even hit him up and get your own work commissioned! @leofortedesign

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5 ImagesNeal Wood
Neal Wood is not just a legendary YORKSHIRE racer, he’s also your man behind product design at Cult. His feed is updated daily with product drawings and general tech. If you’re interested in BMX product design and manufacture hit up Neal’s a/c it’s sick. @nealcult

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5 ImagesMike Aitken
Oh yess, Mikey Aitken is all over Instagram. Plenty of BMX based antics here, along with some sick lifestyle shots too. Mike is always up to something and he documents every episode right here. @nightwolfslc
