– Your frame has new graphics. Can you talk us through them?
I used the same headtube graphic for the most part because I love that one from my last frame. Paying a little homage to the badass Native Americans with that one. All the new graphics are inspired from my tattoo I have on my inner elbow. Thomas Hooper did that tattoo for me and it’s my favourite so we ran with ideas from that. Red and black always look good to me, so with the tattoo inspiration and the new colours, boom, the new graphics were born.
– What’s it like having an idea in your head for graphics or colours and then seeing them in real life on your bike?
It’s amazing getting the opportunity to work with our talented art guy at Haro, having some ideas in your head, and then having him turn them into something real. When that first sample comes and you are stoked on the way it looks it’s such a sick feeling!
– All black bike, all black clothes… Are you in a cult? Vegan flat earth wizards?
Haha, I wear other colours sometimes. But black is just easy, I like it and it makes deciding what to wear really simple. Black on black on black! It’s my favourite colour so why not wear it and ride it 🙂
“Black on black on black!”
– Is this new version of your frame going to come in any other colours?
Yes, it’s coming in raw as well. I’ve always wanted to run a raw frame so I’m super excited for that. I think it will be out a few months after the black and red one drops.
– When did you build up this bike, and where has it taken you so far?
I built it up right before the Haro Portugal trip. So I’ve been to Lisbon, Singapore, Sydney, Japan, and Santa Cruz with this bike.
– Where are you going next?
Next I’ll be over in France for a week for the FISE wildness, Berlin for a filming trip, and then Stuttgart Germany for the Vans BMX Pro Cup. So three weeks straight on the road with my Haro 🙂