Mongoose have some amazing riders on their team but they don’t really do aftermarket products, so you ride a custom frame. Tell us about that. Is it a Mike Laird frame?
“For sure, the Mongoose team is getting ridiculous and its awesome to be a part of it, so much talent and the nice thing is that there is such a good vibe between us all. Yeah, I currently ride a custom Mike Laird frame, made specifically to my personal specs, which I love. Each year get to tweak it should I need to, giving me so much freedom to try new set ups.”
How did you want it to ride, compared to your last bike? What kind of geometry adjustments did you make?
“This year I wanted a shorter back end and a lower bottom bracket standover height. I also switched my cranks to 170mm because being goofy footed means smashing my foot on the back peg and add that to the lower standover height, I needed the extra clearance. From last year’s frame not too much has changed, I still run the 21 inch top tube, which I’m set with, it’s just I’ve shortened my back end from 14.2 to 13.75 inch and the standover from 11.5 to 11.2 inch.”
What do you call that colour…? Why did you choose it?
“It’s called ‘either that or bronze’ as I was in the paint shop panicking so just went with it. I like to switch my colour each year but when it gets to deciding I suck and always have doubts when it comes to dropping it to the sprayers. I’ve had mixed feedback but I’m stoked on it and not fussed about what others think. Maybe the haters’ favourite colour will be next year’s frame choice!”
Any special features you want to tell us about?
“It has a higher seat post which is rare these days, ha ha!”
That clamp on your Harley looks dialled. Did you make it?
“Yeah with some help from buddies Aaron Quesada and Jared Eberwein. Jared already ran one on his Harley so it was a necessity to add one to mine so we could cut through the crappy California traffic. Plus why wouldn’t I wanna take the Harley, it’s 30 degrees every day and perfect riding weather on all fronts… had to be done!”
Your baby is due soon! Is she going to ride a Mongoose?
“She certainly is, due any day now but my wife says if she is anything like me she will be late! Family outings are a must and if she decides she wants to ride bikes then for sure it will be a Mongoose. It was my first bike so of course I’d be happy for it to be hers!”
Frame: Laird Frame number 181
Forks: Odyssey R32
Bars: Odyssey Sweepstake
Stem: Profile top load 48mm
Grips: Stay Strong ODI grips
Front Wheel: Profile totem with female bolts, TI spokes and an Odyssey Hazard Lite
Rear Wheel: Profile totem LHD 9t TI driver with female bolts, TI spokes and an Odyssey Hazard Lite
Front Tyre: Maxxis DTH
Rear Tyre: Maxxis Grifter
Cranks: Profile LHD 170mm with TI spindle
Pedals: Alone plastic
Sprocket: 28t Madera
Seat: Markit x Demolition pivotal
Brake: Odyssey Evolution 2
Brake Lever: Odyssey Monolever small
Gyro: Odyssey GTX-S
Pegs: Demolition plastics