Woke up on Dub Day Six and it was pissing it down, so rather than just sitting about the house all day we went to Rampworx and just smashed out some of the challenges! Was fun blasting about the park,some little kids thought Joe was Ryan Taylor, proper chasing him round asking millions of questions haha! Joe and Sam smashed out some skateboarding then that was it…Short up date but yeah… Skatepark!

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Watch the Red Bull Flow clips HERE. Download the app below…
Ride to Glory and Red Bull Flow
This year Ride to Glory is partnering with the Red Bull Flow app, Flow will help RTG team riders to instantly share clips throughout their RTG trips. You may remember we partnered with Red Bull Flow for the Ride UK Shop Battle last year. In a nutshell, the Flow app allows users to create instant, seamless video based on a clip’s tags. By tagging tricks that are filmed on the app with the rider, trick or location, your clips become more sharable and discoverable by others. We’ll be using the tag #RTG2014 so make sure you download Flow to your phone for the opportunity to see exclusive clips from all the RTG teams from 26th July 2nd August. We’ll also be selecting our favourite Red Bull Flow clips from RTG teams and sharing them on the Ride UK website throughout the RTG week.
How Flow Works:
1. Download Flow to your phone and film BMX clips with the app
2. Add tags: rider, trick, location, then publish to Flow and Facebook & Twitter to share with your friends. For RTG content, look out for the tag #RTG2014
3. Watch other people’s tricks back on your phone or as collaborative videos – ‘Flows’ – on redbullflow.com
Get Flow:
iPhone: Download from iTunes
Android: Download from Play