From Ride UK BMX Basics
Dropping in a ramp for the first time can be quite daunting. It might seem strange approaching the transition from an angle. However, once you’ve cracked this one, countless other ramp tricks will become much easier and you’ll realise it’s not as scary as it seems.
Tip: Use the left / right arrow keys

Find a quarter that’s between four and five foot tall. It’s better if the deck is long enough for you to get a decent roll before you actually drop in.

You need to be almost parallel to the coping, a slight angle towards it will help when you come to drop in. A bit of speed will help your balance too. If you go too slow you might lose your balance. As you set off, put a good solid crank in to get you on your way.

As you come to the edge of the ramp, lift your wheel slightly, over the coping and aim it down into the ramp. It’s important to get over the coping. If you’re too parallel your tyre might catch in the groove where the deck meets the coping, so make sure you’ve got that slight angle.