Above: Brad McNicol, textbook no hander in the sky.
Words by Robin Pearson
Action photo by Adam Lievesley
Overview photos by Robin Pearson
A few months ago I wrote a Ride UK COMMENT piece criticising the abundance of small, fundamentally pointless concrete skateparks popping up across the UK. You may remember, it was titled Skateparks Aren’t Scary Enough.
That article aimed to open up a discussion between legit skatepark users about the shameful influx of toddlers on balance bikes, the daily plague of scooters, what different features BMX riders wanted, how gnarly old parks are when compared to new ones, etc, etc.
I sent the article to all the major UK skatepark companies as I knew they’d be interested. We had some correspondence. A few months later, Maverick emailed me with the designs for Rushall skatepark (complete with all important dimensions), saying they thought it might appeal to me. They hit the nail on the head!
A nice, deep bowl, big transitions, vert wall corner extension, six foot quarters, a proper double coping six foot spine, nice blends, steep ramps, all the good stuff, very little compromise.
Such a spine ramp set up gives it that ‘pro park’ feel while the links offered between corners allow you to blast around happily without riding back and forth over the spine.
Simply put, it’s a great bowl and I wish I’d had more time to ride it!