– How long have you been shooting and how did you get started?
“I’ve been shooting photos for around 4 months now properly. I used to do a lot of filming before that, I used to make little edits with people or even just film a couple of little clips for them to use. I used to just take photos on my iPhone and then occasionally use my dads old canon 450D when I could get hold of it. I then managed to find someone who was selling a canon 1100D with a fisheye lens, an 18-55mm lens and a 28-105mm lens for really cheap and just went on the internet and taught myself the basic stuff I needed to shoot BMX pictures – that’s when I started to really get into taking photos and since then I’ve upgraded some equipment and bought new stuff to improve my pictures.”
– What’s your current setup, what gear could we find in your bag on a given day?
“My setup at the moment:
Shadow conspiracy Greenfilms Mark II DSLR bag
Canon 60D body with battery grip
Nikon Coolpix L840 (for when i do film some bits)
Canon 28-105mm lens
Canon 18-55mm Lens
Samyang 8mm fisheye Lens
Yongnuo 50mm lens
2x Yongnuo flashes
Techno 20 flashgun
2x Yongnuo transceivers
2x Flash stands”
– When it comes to photography, what grabs your interest? Is there a certain aesthetic you are striving for or do you prefer to shoot stuff as it happens, on the fly?
“I will usually just take my camera bag with me when I’m riding, and then it usually works out that someone wants to get a photo. Or if I have seen someone do a trick I think could look good then I’ll ask if they want to get it again so I can shoot the photo.
Once or twice I’ve had a photo in my head that I want to shoot and then I’ll try and find someone who could get it. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t but it’s always worth a try.”