– What’s your current setup, what gear could we find in your bag on a given day?
“Canon 6D
Canon EOS 500
Canon 24-105mm L lens
Canon 50mm 1.4 lens
Sigma 15mm fisheye lens
2 Neewer flashguns, but I prefer to use natural light”
– When it comes to photography, what grabs your interest? Is there a certain aesthetic you are striving for or do you prefer to shoot stuff as it happens, on the fly?
“I take my camera with me everywhere I go, whether that be cruising round my area or taking a trip with mates because you never know what’s going to happen. I prefer shooting on the fly, mostly in the street rather than in a skate park. I feel I have more freedom on the street and it gives you more opportunities to get unique photos.”
“I prefer shooting on the fly, I have more freedom on the street.”
“Sometimes I’ll have an idea for a photo and tell my friends, and 90% of the time someone will already know the perfect spot for it.”
– Do you have a favourite kind of spot to shoot photos at? Or favourite tricks?
“Generally cities, tall buildings and landmarks always seem to frame the photo perfectly for me. My favourite place to shoot is definitely Barcelona, it’s like being in ‘Skate’, there’s spots everywhere!
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with barspins, sometimes you get it perfect, sometimes you get it too early or too late. It can be pretty disappointing when you check back the image and they haven’t even thrown it yet! Other than that, I would say a no-hander as I feel it gives one of the best photos.”
– Finally, any shout outs to be given?
“Thanks to my mum and dad for buying me that 1100D and supporting my change from IT.
Shout out to my mates for being sick on a bike and giving me plenty of photo opportunities, you can check them out on Instagram at @skrybmx.
Vince Perraud has been a big inspiration for my work and my style of shooting.
Lastly, shout out to Ride UK for giving me this opportunity to show my work.”