

Interview by Scott Connor
Photos by Archie Kenward
Intro by Robin Pearson

It’s rad to see young photographers coming up. Archie is a great example of someone working with what he’s got and making the most of it – a quality that is fundamental to expression and flexibility within photography. With quite humble equipment, Archie has captured these amazing images around south east England.

One of my favourite things about these photos is that they aren’t fisheye! Obviously, the fisheye lens is a fantastic tool for BMX photographers but personally I find it quite refreshing to see a collection of images shot with a standard-length lens. Archie’s composition style errs on the tight side of things and that’s fine with me, it’s a strong style that carries through his images – they look good together as a body of work.

I would say my favourite shot in here is the nosepress at the DIY spot. A high viewpoint and nice lighting with that very pleasing composition – lovely use of corners and lines – totally do it for me.

Let’s hope we see more from Archie in the future!
–Robin Pearson

Full Name:  Archie Kenward

Age: 20

Occupation:  Graveyard shift at a petrol station

Hailsham, East Sussex

Years shooting photos:
 A bit over 2 years

Instagram – AKphoto_



Theo Dorman on home turf in Hailsham.

Archie, tell us a little about yourself, some vital info. Where do you come from?

“I’m from Hailsham, East Sussex – Honestly speaking, It’s pretty shit and I would recommend never coming here in your life. I’m 20 and have been riding BMX since I was about 10 years old.”



What’s going on in your life right now? Do you work or study, what’s your day to day like?

“To be honest, not a lot, haha. I currently work the graveyard shift in a petrol station so I spend all day sleeping and all night working, It sucks but it’s only a temporary position before me and Theo make the move out to Barcelona.”


Theo Dorman, nosepress at a half finished abandoned DIY spot. This place could be amazing one day.

Let’s talk photography, how long have you been shooting and how did you get started? And what’s your current setup, what gear could I find in your bag on a given day?

“It’s probably been around 2 years since I started putting more of my focus into photography, I grew up riding with skateboarders that always made videos (shoutout Jonny Cass / SkateDefinitions) eventually I got a DSLR of my own and have had it with me ever since.”

“My bag is pretty much just a collection of cheap and broken camera gear. I use a Canon EOS 1100D with a 50mm f1.8 that pretty much never comes off. Luckily for me Theo is a filmer and will normally have his Sony A7s to hand… “


I’m not sure if this rail was broken when we arrived, or if Theo broke it on the first attempt. Either way it didn’t stop him from propping it up and trying again...

When it comes to shooting, what grabs your interest? Is there a certain aesthetic you are striving for or do you prefer to shoot stuff as it happens, on the fly?

“Really just as it happens, it’s always fun going to a specific spot to shoot something, but I find most of my favourite photos are a result of just aimlessly cruising around new parts of town.”


Theo Dorman, opposite pegs over on the kinker at the Source Park.

You mentioned moving to Barcelona this summer. Are you going alone or what have you got planned there, are you hoping to spend more time in front or behind the camera there?

“Just me and Theo, We’re hopefully going to be riding and shooting photos nearly every day and looking for any work we can get… It’s a bit of a shot in the dark but it’s something we’ve always wanted to do. Barcelona is amazing.”


Theo Dorman at Gildredge Park. An old favourite of mine from a winter night – Theo makes these look way too easy.

Finally, any shout outs to be given?

“Obviously Theo for being patient and doing dangerous shit multiple times haha, all the Eastbourne biker boys, and of course Scott & RideUK for the chance to put this together! Cheers!”


Theo Dorman in Eastbourne. Another old one from last summer, easy pickings for Theo but still one of my favourites.


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