Q&A with Tom Russell
– Tell us about the new rig. What are you most stoked on?
Feels like a boat! Love it haha, it’s so stable but I’ve cut my bars down a little more than normal so it’s more responsive in that way! Deffo just stoked on the frame all together, it’s perfect for what I ride!
– Is it all fresh or are there some old bits on here?
The oldest bits are forks, hubs, cranks and stem but these should be getting changed soon so be on the look out for that.
– How old is this bike?
Frame was new in August, bars were a little before that so it all feels good still! Everything’s holding up really well, just change bearings whenever something big gets changed like the frame just to make it feel that extra!
– Tell us about those tyres… are they fast? are they loose?
Tyres are legit! Have nothing bad to say about them! Went to my slippy local the first day riding them expecting the worst and they were squeakin’ left right and centre! Real fast too you notice the difference instantly, it’s insane!
– Where have you been on it so far?
Everywhere to be honest haha, all in London on it all the way upto Livingston in Scotland! And everywhere in between.
– Fav spot you’ve ridden on this build?
The reservoir, Prissick or Livingston have to be my highlights, then places are mental so the big top tube helps there for sure!
– Shoutouts?
Robbie at Cult, as always having my back throughout lockdown 1 and to be lockdown 2, can’t thank him enough for the support!
Stu at Seventies! He just holds it down for anyone and everyone I have a lot of respect for him! Everyone else at Seventies when I’m being real picky about sizes and specs, haha.
Gav at Mode for having my back since day 1!
Ian Morris for sorting out the Protec deal, that means a lot to me!
Plow (Jack) at Asylum for working his arse off to keep the scene going through bad times… Doesn’t get as much praise as he deserves!
And just everyone else in between who’s bringing the good times!
Bike Spec
Frame: Cult 21.5 Walsh
Bars: 9.35 Cult Crew
Forks: 33mm Cult
Tyres: Cult Fast and Loose
Stem: Cult Dehart
Grips: Cult Begin
Front wheel: Full cult
Back wheel: Tall Order Drone, Cult rim
Sprocket: Relic 33T
Chain: Cult
Cranks: Cult Hawk 175mm
Pedals: Federal
Seat: Cult
Shoes: Etnies x Doomed
Helmet: Protec x Cult colab. Thing is sick!