@augiesimoncini shot by @chrismarshallphoto via @deadlinecrew Instagram.
We’re in the midst of what could be the greatest BMX DVD of all time. Well, thats what people are saying who’ve seen Deadline. All many of us here in the UK have to go on is the rumours. Here’s ten of the best…
1. Garrett Reynolds has a six song section. The last three songs, every trick is a NBD.
2. For Ty Morrow’s ender he legitimately wore a concealed parachute as the ledge was so high. It was never used though, as he pulled the trick with ease.
3. Garrett Reynolds does a 28 long smith/nose manny/smith/nose manny combo which lasts almost two minutes. He even updated Instagram while mid nozza..
4. Steve Croteau picks s fight with a policeman on a segway, and then does a double kinker on the segway. To hard way.
5. JJ Palmere’s section is one continuous line. There’s over 113 individual tricks in there. And he one timed it. To hard way..
6. Barack Obama shut down the White House this week after watching the Deadline DVD.
7. One of Garret Reynolds clips is filmed on a Redline, which means it’s over seven years old. The clip is insane.
8. The Deadline Crew hired, and then shut down to the public, a hospital for one day when filming everybody’s enders.
9. Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan commissioned Garrett Reynolds’ ender for their season finale, however cancelled at the last moment as he felt fans wouldn’t believe it possible. Garrett’s ender is now called “Felina”.
10. Augie Simoncini adapted his bike for a huge over grind. Apparently he removed his seat and even spokes in the rear wheel so the back end was light, and then put extra weight on the front by running an OG S&M Redneck stem. This enabled him to nose it in easier, on something so high.
Want to sign up for the UK premier of Deadline hosted by Red Bull? It’s taking place in London on 11th October at 6pm. Follow this link for more info and to sign up…
Have your local BMX store hit up Seventies in ref to stocking Deadline.