Fancy winning yourself Max Wood’s very own Proper Bike? Yeah me too. This competition is a bit different to all the others, no answering questions or sharing posts, No. This is more of a fancy dress style competition…(the exact bike you can win is the one he is holding above).
To WIN Max’s bike what you have to do is dress up like him and send in a photo of yourself and Max will personally pick the winner himself. If you need any tips be sure to ask him on twitter @maxwoodbmx or ask @properbikeco. We’re ready and waiting for your photos.
Either send your photos of you looking like Max to me ( or tweet them to @maxwoodbmx, @properbikeco and us
What you waiting for, here’s some inspiration for you… (Think blonde wigs, XXXXXXXL T-Shirts, Girls jeans etc…). Get dressed up and send in your pics!