RACE REPORT: Pure Bikes | Ride UK BMX

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National Rd 1&2


Pure Bicycles Race Report Manchester R1+2 2018


The first race of the national series took place at the indoor track in Manchester on the 10th and 11th of March, the Pure team was there to take to the track again for the 2018 season and defend their Team Title defence.


Elizabeth Bown.

Rd 1. 3rd, 2nd, 2nd in motos.3rd in semi. 2nd in the Final.
My first national race of the year for Pure Bicycles race team. I was quite nervous as I wanted to do my best for the new team and I think it took me a couple of motos to relax a bit. All the girls have obviously worked hard over the winter in my category as they were all on top form. Luckily in the final I managed to pull a move on the first burm that stuck and gave me 2nd place. Thanks Harrison Bell I think I got that move from you. ????

Rd 2. 2nd, 1st, 2nd in motos. 2nd in the semi. 3rd in the main.
After yesterday I was feeling more confident and the new team made me feel super welcome – thank you. I raced hard and learnt a lot this weekend. I made the podium on both days.
Dad you owe me a new helmet. ????
I had a blast! Bring on 3 and 4.

Jared Hill.

R1 Motos 6/1/3, quarter 3, semi 6, B final 1

I was looking forward to racing on my new V5 expert XL. I did’nt get off to a great start because I wheel spun in my first Moto and I was disappointed with 6th but I turned it around and had a great 2nd moto win beating two of my biggest rivals, unfortunately my semi didn’t go to plan either and I found myself in the B final. I went on to win the B final.

R2 Motos 1/1/3, quarter 2, semi 3, final 8

Day 2 go off to a better start with two moto wins. I felt pretty confident going into the semi and made it through to the final with a 3rd. I had gate 6 in the final and with an average gate I found myself getting the squeeze down the hill and contact from another rider caused my foot to come off the pedal and I crashed into the 1st jump. I was disappointed to finish 8th.

I am looking forward to rounds 3&4 in Leicester because I like the track and I will be training  hard towards podium finishes.

Harrison Bell.

Super excited to be heading to Manchester to kick-off the HSBC British Bmx National series for rounds 1 & 2 at the National indoor Bmx arena!

Saturday round 1: First time racing on my new expertXL Pure frame! Kicked the new season off well getting 1st’s in all my Motos, 1st in the quarter final & 2nd in the semi final! Onto the ‘A final’, I undercut riders in the first berm coming out in 3rd place but got tangled up with another rider along 2nd straight, resulting in us both coming off! Was a hard crash but I was able to get back up and finish the lap in 7th place. Gutted but onwards & upwards for 2mrws round 2!

Sunday round 2: Again started the day strong taking two 1st’s & a 2nd in my Motos.

Then 1st place again in my quarter & semi finals so everything was going to plan! Felt really quick and had high hopes for the final after yesterday’s disappointment. Saved my worse gate of the day for the final! Got blocked in along first straight & was dead-last along 2nd straight. I never gave up though & still picked off two riders before the finish, ending up 6th.

Overall I had a great weekend & really enjoyed myself! Already looking forward to rounds 3&4 in Leicester in April, & hoping I’ll carry a little more luck & get the results I deserve!

Huge thanks to my dad, Rich & everyone at Pure bike co, & all our sponsors. Couldn’t do it without you all….. thankyou!

Luke Mendes.

I haven’t been able to make this event for the last 2 years due to injuries, so it was good to start the year injury free and compete at the Manchester Indoor BMX Track.

Saturday Moto’s 1st, 1st, 1st, Semi 1st, A Final 4th.

Saturday went great, winning all my moto’s and the semi-final to make the Final. Got the holeshot in the Final, leading all the way till the end of the third straight but came under pressure from another rider, I somehow unclipped but luckily managed to hold on and not crash, clipped back in and finished the lap, but had to settle for 4th place.

Sunday Moto’s 2nd, 2nd, 1st, Semi 1st, A Final 2nd.

Good start to the day with a couple of seconds and a first in the moto’s, won my semi-final to make the Final again. Had a good start in the Final slotting into 2nd place, I wasn’t quit able to make a move for 1st but picked up a solid 2nd place.

Josh Butson.

Round 1:Motos – 4, 2, 6 Quarter – 5

There’s always nerves at the first round but I was happy with how the day started. I felt good in practice and liked how my Maxis Relix tires were running with this being my first time using them. My day started with a 4th and a 2nd in the opening motos and this was a good start.  6th in the last moto came after a few mistakes but I was still happy with how I was going. A poor start in the quarter left me with too much to do to qualify for the semis.

Round 2: Motos – 4, 4, 1 Quarter – Crashed

Hoping for a better day on round two my day got off to a great start. Holeshotting the first race from an outside gate was just what I needed after Saturdays quarter final, I dropped back a few places before the line but the gate was my focus for that race. Another 4th and an eventual moto win left me with 3rd pick in the quarter final. I had a much better gate this time but after tangling with another rider I was on the floor before I had reached the bottom of the hill. A weekend to forget!

Tian Isidore.

I felt fresh going into the weekend with my new maxxis relix tyres on and of course my new frame and kit! Saturday started well in superclass, it wasn’t the best turn out in terms of numbers but there was still some great racing! With the inside lane, I got a good start but didn’t get the first jump as well as I’d liked to so I was happy to come out of the first corner in 3rd and stay there for the rest of the Lap. Later on, I raced what was supposed to be the junior men supercross open but as there were only two of us, we were mixed in with the elites. I took a pretty bad crash in my second Moto (pedalling at the bottom of the hill never ends well) but luckily i was just cut up so could still race on. In the final I messed up the second straight so went to the back of the pack, but it was still a second in junior I guess. Sunday started early with the 16+ national indoor cup which was off the supercross again. It was more very tight racing but luckily I avoided the crash this time in the final and ended up 4th. Last off, I had another superclass final in which I ended up 4th as well. After a long and tiring weekend of racing, I was happy with my results and happy to be heading home!

Neil Stewart.

This past weekend in Manchester, rounds 1& 2 went down at the NCC Indoor, and the HSBC National BMX Series kicked off with a bang!

I wasn’t feeling ready for the season, with next to zero training and more eating than ever, but the weekend ended with a smile on my face…

Friday Training went well, this was the first time out on my New Pure V5, it felt as good, if not better than all the previous versions, so I was happy with the way the bike was handling, and although not my favourite track on the circuit, I felt good, all things considered.

Saturday racing came around, and block racing meant it was going to be fast and furious, with little time to recover in between. My first moto was like a Semi Final, and I managed to pick up 5th, the second moto went a lot better and I ended up 2nd, but the third moto was also another tough one with literally a battle for 5th on the line! I had 12 Points and only qualified 15th, so I only just made the Semis…  Gate 8 wouldn’t be my choice, but it was what I was left with for the Semi Final, but my new HT Component Pedals powered me down the start hill, where an almighty pile up occurred on the first jump taking out most of the fastest competition!  There was an oooohhhhh for the crash, then a massive cheer as I hit the front of all the remaining riders still standing, and lead the semi out to the finish line, I was in the A Main… I couldn’t believe it, and as I turned around at the end I saw Jools and the Flying Fox Kirby, had also qualified in 2nd and 3rd respectively, there were big man hugs all round… Now I know why the crowd cheered, us three nutters in the main and qualifying.  Hope all my Vet buddies that hit the deck heal up fast and get their bikes fixed up soon enough…

A final and with second pick I placed myself alongside the legend that is Hilly. A good solid lap and 5th place on the line, that is what I would call a result!  My Maxxis Torch tyres keeping me firmly fixed to the track and helping me get the result!

Day two and there was a few heavy hitters missing after yesterday’s Semi Final explosion, but the racing was still fast as ever…

Moto’s went well with a 2nd, 3rd and 2nd, so qualified 7th overall and a nice inside gate in the Semi Final, lining up next to Hilly in Gate 2. I had a great start as the power went through my new V5 Pure PTS BB, and I tucked in behind Hilly and Hugo Martins, who lead the pack… Coming out of the second turn Hugo went really wide and lost the front end for no apparent reason, luckily I avoided his bike sliding down the turn, and I hung on for second place and another A Final!
Another inside Gate and again lined up next to my teamy Hilly in Gate 2, with Zoltan in 3, a better start than Saturdays final, and I tucked into the first corner in about 4 or 5th, and held a good lap together to make it another 5th in the Final…

What a Great Weekend, thanks to the sponsors for keeping us rolling and especially to the Birthday Boy Ian Butson, who fettled my bike on Friday, and got it running sweet as, he’s another Team Pure legend!

Alan Hill.

Round 1
Results cruiser: Moto’s 1st, 2nd,1st, Semi 1st, Final 1st
Results 20″: Moto’s 2nd, 2nd,1st, Semi 1st, Final 1st
After a slow recovery from a winter injury, I was feeling confident with my fitness after having a good race at the last round of the indoor winter series in February. It always takes a few races for me to feel comfortable on the challenging Manchester track and get up to speed, it was the first time riding the new Pure V5 frame too but it felt good straight away. I won my semi-finals and was able to choose the inside gates to have the best line into the first berm. Taking the holeshot in both my classes, I stayed smooth to take both wins and head into day 2 with confidence and the points lead.

Round 2
Results cruiser: Moto’s 1st,1st,1st, Semi 1st, Final 1st
Results 20″: Moto’s 1st,1st,1st,Semi 1st, Final 1st
I was feeling a little tired as normal on Sunday after a full days racing but didn’t get to race all the top competition until the semi-finals so saved some energy for later in the day. I managed to win both semi’s and pick my favourite inside gate which worked out for me as I won both finals to finish the day unbeaten. Thanks too all our great sponsors for the kit and parts this year,

Kyle Evans.

Saturday: Didn’t completely go to plan. Feeling decent all evening but I hit the gate in the final and took 2nd place for the evening behind team mate Tre Whyte.

Sunday: Went for redemption on day two. Place 2nd behind Quillan Isidore in the first Moto. Afterwards went on to win every lap and take the top step of the podium. Thank you to everyone who makes my job possible. #211

Thanks to all our sponsors for there continued support

@purebikeco @maxxis_tyres @faith_race @htcomponents @odigrips @progreenmx @alienationbmx @b73teees and @phazebmx

Check out the Pure V5 frame in the BMXRace100


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