ELLIS HARDESTY: The Good Old Days | Ride UK BMX

BMX Every Day | #UKBMX




There’s a chance you may remember the name Ellis Hardesty from a print piece we did a while back… Synchronic. You might also know the name from his presence in the South West England trails scene. Whatever, Ellis is turning 46 this year and continues to shred on twenty inch wheels. Fair play. This is awesome to see, and Nick Parslow has captured his riding nicely in this new edit.

All these trails then. Ellis Hardesty definitely looks at home in the woods! This new video features some damn fine UK soil, but it’s not just a trails edit. Ellis also hits a few skateparks (namely Guildford, Woking and some fun-looking wooden ramps) plus sends himself over a gnarly gap over an old bridge. Street? Yeah!

The bluesy music gives a decent vibe to this, the filming works well, the riding speaks for itself… We’re into it. I just hope I’m still riding BMX at 46!

“There isn’t really a huge story behind this video. The main reason was as Ellis is now 45 years old and ‘thinks’ he’s running out of time! I didn’t believe him either…

It was hard to film with both of us having work commitments and him obviously having a family and a new kid on the way!

We really wanted to get clips at Wisley and Epsom but didn’t get time over the summer which sucked, but the main local places that weren’t hugely on the map we got done which was sick.

That bridge gap is honestly so gnarly I still don’t know how he managed it! We didn’t want just your usual trails vid, we tried to put a bit of variety in there also.

Also places like Guildford and Woking park where he’s been going for years, they’re good ones for him.

Apart from that… It’s just good to see even when you get older there’s no stopping you!” – Nick Parslow


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