Hardcore Hobbies are (from march 23rd) uploading a massive backlog of vintage videos that cover their history through the years.
As from Monday March the 23rd Hardcore Hobbies are gonna be uploading “Day Off Coppers” (The first analog H.H video,) and “Pro-Am Stunt Off” (The digital follow up) to Mpora. The plan is they will be put online in order, three sections at a day every Monday, Tuesday And Wednesday, so it’ll take about a month and a half for you to check out the lot! The first video is proper D.I.Y, fuzzy as hell, not to everyone’s tastes, the second is still nearly a decade old but put together on Imovie so much more ‘watchable’. Here at HHHQ we see these videos as an important part of our history. Hope some of you out there find them entertaining. Thanks.