KAZ CAMPBELL: Altitude Sickness | Ride UK BMX

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KAZ CAMPBELL: Altitude Sickness

Kaz Campbell has spent the past few years steadily establishing himself as one of England’s best transition riders.  Here and now he hits us with this wonderful display backing that up…  There’s some fine finesse in here at a bunch of perfect spots for Kaz.  Sit back and enjoy, then read some insights from Kaz and Matt Harris, who filmed most of the video.

Photo: Oli Jones

Q&A with Kaz Campbell

– How you feeling about the video now it’s done?

Stoked to say the least! It’s so sick to look back on some of my favourite memories of the year, and I definitely feel like I pushed myself to get a few of these clips which makes it very rewarding to look back on. However, I am my own worst enemy and already feel like I could do better!

– Which clips were plain sailing and which ones were you sweating?

Some of the filler clips such as the can tyre grab at Saffron came pretty easy, it was more annoying trying to get the angles right, haha. The 360 fast plant and the open pocket tabes were the ones that I crashed on the most, and thus took the longest (cheers Matt), because I had never done either of those tricks before so I had to figure it out the hard way!

In terms of the clips I was sweating over I would have to say the last clip. Ever since I spun that jump last summer all I’ve thought about was the 3 tabes, so it was definitely a big mental block to actually send it. I knew all I had to remember to do was to spin slow as you get a lot of hang time, and even with a reminder from Inch to spin slow, of course first try I pretty much did a 450 to flat and somehow didn’t come off hahaha. Luckily I managed to get it second go and could go straight back up the hill to get a bev!

Photo: Robin Pearson

“Ever since I spun that jump last summer all I’ve thought about was the 3 tabes, so it was definitely a big mental block to actually send it”

– Fav clip?

I would actually say the 360 fast plant because I’ve wanted to learn that trick for ages but never knew a spot to do it. Turns out there was a perfect set up on my doorstep! Not to mention it’s at Abbey which means a lot to me as it’s where I grew up riding. Oh yeah and the sunset looks cool haha.

– Where did you travel to film this edit?

I tried to keep it fairly local as that’s what I know how to ride the best, but the furthest we traveled was to Duck Lane in Bournemouth. I wanted to go there to get that clip but it’s a bit of a mission from Cambridge. Luckily we ended up there anyway on a little Tall Order trip which meant I could send it for the boys!

– What’s it like filming with Matt? I like how stoked he gets on / behind the camera…

Hahah it’s definitely been a laugh filming with Matt (when he’s not head chopping). Because we have known each-other for so long it’s easy for him to motivate me. Some people probably think he ruins the clips by getting his full Stoke on but I like it because it shows that your homie is in full support haha. I reckon he actually got more excited at some of these clips than me.

– How did you celebrate that 360 table?

Me, Inch and Matt had it LARGE at Mash in Cambridge, and we went fucking hard for what we are, that’s all you need to know. Couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate haha. #claimit

– What’s coming up next?

Since finishing this piece I’ve had loads of new ideas of things I want to film for my next video! Hopefully I can maybe do another one next summer. I’d like to film at places that are a bit more unfamiliar such as the parks in Scotland!

Photo: Elliot Thombs

Q&A with Matt Harris

– How long were you filming this?

We spent a good few months working on this one, time’s flown by though!

– First clip you filmed, last clip you filmed?

We first filmed the 3 over the fence which was a hell of a start to the project, I felt like we were onto something good after we got that one in the bag. Then lastly we filmed the 3 table at Woodyard, and that was a special moment for sure! Never did I think I’d see one of my closest mates 3 tabe that set, it’s no joke at all!

– Which ones came easy?

I think most of the footage came pretty easy – Kaz is solid on the bike, and he’s got so much bike control so I don’t think there were any moments where I was thinking, ‘Fuck, I’m gonna be stood here with the camera for hours’ haha! But yeah, Kaz is dialled and he’s for sure got the hang of the whole biking thing.

Photo: Fooman

“Kaz is dialled and he’s for sure got the hang of the whole biking thing”

– Which ones were a battle?

The pocket table at Duck Lane – we were on a Tall Order trip when we got that one, and I just remember crash after crash, and when it finally happened I just remember feeling so stoked for him, that was pretty unreal to see in person!

– What’s it like working on a project like this with a good mate? Pure fun or any stress?

Hopefully I’d say that I pushed Kaz to really give it his best, I’m not the best behind the camera, but I gave it my best shot to try capture everything properly.

I think working on something like a video part when you’re so close with one of ya boys is so good, because you see things the same and you tend to know how they think and when it’s go time. I’d be stoked to film more stuff with Kaz any day of the week!

– What you working on next?

I think next for me, it’s been a good time filming Kaz and helping out with Inch’s videos this year, but I realised I haven’t really put anything out of myself – so I wanna put a lot of time and effort into making something cool to hopefully get released around this time next year! 2022 BABY LETS GOOOO!

Photo: Oli Jones


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