Measham skatepark is another pretty tidy effort by Maverick. It’s in a quiet little Leicester village, at the edge of a park alongside one of those outdoor gyms and a playground… Standard!
The design includes a triple bowl, wonky cock-and-balls style, with two different depths – 5ft with a 7ft deep end. It’s a decent, simple bowl with the deep end fully curved round like a pool. Speaking of pools, they’ve got a blue chequer pattern under the coping. It’s just paint, though!
Over on the ‘street course’ we have a little square rail, a ledge on top of a bank, flatbank hip and a few small transitions. Interestingly there’s also a larger quarter and bank in this section, which Dean Cueson linked together as a kind of pocket channel gap in the photos below.
That big bank also serves as a sub box on its back side, from the shallow end of the bowl. You could also use it as a step-up jump box if you found the speed.
Photos: Robin Pearson