Words and Photos: Dunk
Rider: Will Bennett
Manufacturer Website: www.cultcrew.com
Distro: www.seventies.co.uk
Instagram: @cultcrew / @Treyjonesucks
Thanks: Crucial BMX Shop
The Florida based shredder, Trey Jones, has a new complete to accompany his now well established Cult Stone Cold signature frame. It’s an affordable and awesome looking setup with everything you need to get rolling at a decent price, so you can look as cool as Trey without breaking the bank. Cult frames are tried and tested, so you can guarantee that this complete will withstand anything you throw at it. Will Bennet helped us to test the ride out, he loved it straight from the get go. Cult’s Robbie Morales answered a few questions for us on the Stone Cold…
You’ve had the Trey Jones signature frame out now for a couple of years right? So what made you decide to bring out a complete also?
We wanted to make Trey a Sig. complete that closest resembled his personal ride, we worked with Shadow and put a bunch of his sig stuff from them on the bike…All the while working to keep the cost down…
