
Ride to Glory

#RTG13 – FOX DAY 3

Our first morning in maison Fox and we were greeted by the best breakfast ever courtesy of TM and team rider Greg. I’m not sure what’s better, being served fruit salad by virgins or having to decide
what wing of our manor house to dine in. It’s a hard life here.
Anyway, we decided the we’d hit the trails today, so after meeting up with our Spanish host and the small American man we jumped on the metro. Russ couldn’t believe his luck at avoiding any kind of
homosexual insult from a local until at least lunch time. A good start I think you”ll agree.
The challenge book got a right good seeing to although I can’t really remember what happened. I do remember that Leo rode a rock and Priesty managed to three a mountain bike. Lima tried to claim
that he’d stickered an ant and therefore completed the ‘sticker an animal’ challenge, but I flexed my judicial muscle (yes that’s what I call it) and pointed out that the ant was not stuck, just chilling on
there. Anyway, we had a good day and probably got a bit sun burned. I think the highlight of the day has been returning home in the evening to drink lots of cold beer, eat a load of amazing food
courtesy of Russ and hearing about/watching some preeeety fruity documentary material Fraser has produced in the past. Just remember, if you ever think of yourself as an urban Chupacabra, you’re
probably not. See you on the dark side, It is Nast Monday after all…


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