Last full day on RTG for everybody was a rush! We started with a nice paint job on Dan Bob’s bike to make it looking better… Then we hit some roofs. OMG Bob literally fell down from the sky, in a skeleton suit! But breakfast roof drop was windy and he crashed really bad… so he had to chill for a couple of hours! Just in time to hit more roofs. Why are so many old people are taking care of the roofs in Brighton? so after getting more stuff done, Dan Bob literally took the team on his back today till we get a small car accident… Nothing too bad… We gave Owain Clegg a funny phone call! Then we found some concrete on the highway (that we can call a ditch) before riding a skatpark… And Ben unfortunately left us, then we came back in town to do a couple more funny stuff, let’s see what’s happen on the really final day…