The competition we ran a couple of weeks back in conjunction with Oakley has now come to a close. Well we had some good entries and some bad entries, sending in the same photo I posted on here wasn’t going to fool anyone! Although credit has to be given to a few… The eventual winner was Reece Harris from Birmingham; Reece, your frame is on the way, check your email! Here is a photo of your frame and another of it on it’s way out of the Ride office!

In other Oakley/Kye Forte news, the Oakley National Trails Tour begings today which features a bus full of UK trails riders touring UK dirt spots. We’re got full coverage with James Cox on the tour who will be providing us with daily edits of the action beginning tomorrow morning! So check back in the morning for the first update from the crew which will also include a video of a whip comp which we’re going to ask you to judge…