


Good day to you all! Its been a while since I’ve written a Friday Randoms article and thought it was definitely about time to drop something funny for you lot to enjoy before a cracking weekend unfolds. Most of you will be riding your bikes, personally I’ll be sat in an office wishing I could be out having a pedal. The last few times I’ve had the chance to venture out it’s been at an indoor skatepark which only permits you to ride with a helmet. Fair play really, those things save lives and who am I to judge. I just hate riding with one on, but could probably get away with riding something a bit comical. That’s pretty much where this Skid Lids idea has come from to be honest… So here’s a few daft lids for your amusement!

#1 – Lego Hair Helmet.

What an absolutely cracking idea! I mean who doesn’t want to look like they’ve got a massive LEGO barnet? The clever minds at a German company; MOEF designed this and it’s an actual thing! Would love to see someone ride BMX with this thing on…

#2 – Wood head.

I found this sick lid online and had to share it, not sure if it’s an incredibly realistic paint job, or possibly hydro dipped. Who knows? It could be an actual wooden helmet!

#3 – You’re twisting my melon man!

I don’t know who this guy is, or why he has a melon on his head but he’s winning at life. Protective(ish) and a tasty snack if you’re caught off guard without food or water…

#4 – Shit head.

There was literally no other title I could have chosen for this image, so apologies if you are easily offended… Seriously though, why would you want to wear this thing? It’s totally lacking in protection aside from the fact of it being a massive turd to wear as a helmet!

#5 – Siamese Helmet.

I know, it’s a motorcycle helmet. Well technically its two joined together, but how sick is this? Imagine how confused people would be when they see you riding past with one body and two heads. The weight distribution would be terrible though and certainly not ideal for BMX!

#6 – Pot Head.

It really does bring a whole new meaning to the term ‘Pot head’ – This dude is clearly a cut above the rest and proudly wears his plant pot helmet with shoelace tie cord. We salute you, you crazy man!

#7 – Skinhead.

This skinhead lid is actually hilarious and it’d make any passer-by do a double take! The dude on the picture suits it so well too, even the beard matches up with the sideburns. Quality!

#8 The Style Cat.

Is the reason you don’t wear a helmet because it’s not fashionable enough? Maybe the look of a standard helmet will clash with your freshly-ironed chinos and just won’t look good while you’re posing on top of quarter pipes… Fear not, you can now purchase lids that actually look like trilbies, bowler hats. These rather pointless versions of brain protection also come in many other styles.

#9 – F**K IT. Wear A Bucket!

I mean, if all else fails you could always find the nearest paint bucket to wear. The beauty of this method is there’s a built-in chin strap to ensure it doesn’t fall off. Doesn’t really offer much in the form of protection but at least you’ll have a unique look!

#10 – Life Saver.

The most important thing to remember is; helmets save lives. I’ve actually lost count of how many times I’ve heard about riders taking a harsh hit to the head and have lived to tell the tale. Sure, without a doubt helmets do save lives. So kids, it is your own choice. I’m not gonna harp on at you, but stay safe. If you’re trying something new or big & burly then think twice and maybe don that lid for a bit of extra protection!

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