Myself and Duncan are here in Montpelier, France for the 2011 FISE event. So far not a lot has happened here due to the heavy down pour of rain… It doesn’t look good at the moment as the rain hasn’t stopped all day. We had a little walk around and took a few snaps…
This is how wet it is!
The ‘Mega’ ramp…?
Jason Phelan did mention yesterday that he wanted to be the first person to jump it.
Steep much? You don’t wanna be coming off the side of that…
Jumping the jump is one thing, rolling down this roll-in is another… Would you do it?
We tried to get on the course, but they wouldn’t let us because it was too wet… Like it’s always to wet to take pictures.
The park! It does look good. The step-up volcano looks interesting.
Can you see any lines?

Puddle removers..
The skate course. This is for skaters only, but I’m pretty sure you would like to have a go too…

Even though it’s raining; if the DUB team were here they wouldn’t get bored.
No BBQs today!
Currently the dirt is under some tarpaulin and is not looking good. As for Spine Qualifiers tonight, it doesn’t look like it’s happening. Stay tuned!
This is what the weather is looking like at the moment….