


In a world where the internet consists of pay as you go 3G or at best, a dial up modem which is only available when your “auld fella” is off the phone to the social long enough to connect. Team2Street managed to keep the wolf from the door and establish connection to upload their full length feature DVD. Touted as being “over 25 minutes of extreme urban environmental damage” it’s certainly that and more. The backdrop is of an underclass, downtrodden suburb, where a Greggs pasty is a luxury item. The upper middle class youths dressed in football shirts and probably carrying a “shank”, “blade” or “stanley” proceed to turn the drab landscape into socially unacceptable performance art.
Cookie is the ring leader of the gang. A mathematical genius being blackmailed by a tory led smear campaign designed to keep him on social handouts for as long as possible. “It’s easier to pay these people a state benefit than A. risk the social unrest if we stop it and B. have to pay more in training, it’s economic sense in a political environment where I now struggle to get my train fair paid to the Commons” said local MP for The North T. Lannister.
Cookie’s sidekick throughout the gritty and unpredictable kitchen sink drama is James Newrick. Jim as he’s locally known immerses his time in antiques and trinkets, selling them for profit while consciously avoiding the rigour mortis of the Job Centre queue.
Throughout the short film we see glimpses of well known BMX stars with cameo rolls. Marv for example, who plays himself slinks around the Southern belt of the UK adding credibility, and a touch of class to what would be a particularly grey, Northern reflection of youth culture.
The soundtrack is provided by scruffy locals who attend each riding spot and play music using the speaker function of a mobile phone. It works well but you really need a Dolby surround sound system to feel like you’re actually “on the cobbles” with these guys.
The DVD of Team2Street is available here to purchase. At £5.00 it’s great value as the content is plenty. I found myself watching this in a dark room, volume set to 8 with a large glass of RICHEBOURG 2006, DOMAINE DE LA ROMANÉE-CONTI and really feeling like I was in the crowd at an FA Cup match of troubled youngsters.

T2STHEVID2012 from Pegs eleven on Vimeo.


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