Sam Watson is a pretty low-key and massively underrated rider in many peoples opinion up in the grim North East. I’ve known his brother Robin for quite a while and he’s a good friend but I’ve only met Sam a handful of times. He seemed like quite a sound, quiet lad who didn’t really speak much and would tend to speak through his riding. He had a pretty unique personality and his bike at the time was ghetto as fuck, it was covered from top to bottom in electrical tape and he’d even made some of his own ‘mods’ such as the innertube top tube whip protector and the list could go on… If I could remember em! haha
Anyway – Sam is a well sound kid who deserves this feature more than anyone in my opinion. Well done mate, loved this little video which was filmed within just a 20 minute time period and uploaded over on Jonathan Linsley‘s Vimeo channel! #SBR #NERepresent
Sam Watson’s Everyday Afternoon from Jonathan Linsley on Vimeo.